关键词: 资本结构;影响因素分析;结构优化
Abstract:The capital structure influenees the administration structure of enterprises directly and it even influences the fmancing cost and market value of enterprises.It Concerns subsistence and development of the enterprises whether the capital structure is reasonable or not.Since the foundation of stock markets of Shaghai and Shenzhen at the beginning of 1990’S.the capital markets have been developing rapidly.Regarding to more resources of capital BIisc.it is more meaningful and Valuable .
Firstly,on the basis of sufficient study of relative papers on capital structure both home and abroad,this paper introduces the relative concepts and the development history of capital structure theories.
Second, the theoretical analysis of the corporate capital structure factors, followed by the type of analytical methods for business capital structure analysis of industry characteristics, and then summing up. Finally, capital structure optimization of the target and the target of the effective optimization of the capital structure of the decision-making. While concluding that the important impact of this decision-making factors.
Key Words:Capital stmcture;Factor analysis;Structural optimization