Abstract:The higher learning institutions are training innovative, practical, advanced and specialized talents ;they are promoting the developments in cultures , science and technologies , and our socialist modernization cause. With the continuous deepening of education reform, a profound change in college and university financial management environment, making financial management in colleges and universities are faced with great challenges. But, at present in our many universities , the existing main issues of financial management, which didn’t fit in with the background and their own development, have restricted seriously the whole progress on a large scale. It is vital matter of immediate urgency to implant the financial management abilities. This article combines the status quo of financial management in colleges and universities at home and abroad, analysed the main problems of financial management in colleges and universities and causes, which proposed a strategy for improving the level of financial management in colleges and universities. Strengthening financial management in colleges and universities, and raises the fund use efficiency, making standardization , systematization and scientization of college financial track.
Key words: financial management in colleges and universities, problem, countermeasure