Abstract:Small and medium-sized enterprises of China's national economy has become an important part, China is the sustainable economic and social development of the indispensable. However, the medium and small enterprises in China compared with the developed countries has the big gap, and mainly by the difficulty of raising money problems. For small and medium-sized enterprises in financing difficult question often affect the enterprise management, and the financing channels of financing and determine the choice of the ways of raising money is the most important link. Because the financing channel and the choice of the ways of financing is correct or not, the relationship to an enterprise's survival and development. Therefore, must be careful analysis small and medium-sized enterprise financing problems, the proper choice of enterprise development financing channel and the financing way, at the lowest possible cost and risk to raise funds needed for enterprise development. For small and medium-sized enterprise financing problems, this paper analyzed the existing environment of the small and medium-sized enterprise financing path selection, in conjunction with the relevant data for empirical research, small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult discussed the fundamental reason, and targeted measures to solve the difficulty in financing smes Suggestions.
Key words :Financing, Finance approach, Fundraising risk, Financing channel