Abstract:Tax planning is for current tax of enterprises and related policy, reasonable planning of all aspects of production and management decisions, to minimize the tax burden and tax planning and set up a financial arrangement. Increasingly fierce competition in the market today, the level of enterprise income tax related to the long-term profitability and healthy development of enterprises. The business community is very concerned about how to exploit the country's tax policy for the rational tax planning of the enterprise income tax.
This paper firstly describes the theory and research background of the enterprise tax planning. At the same time, the paper discuss the meaning and features of tax planning. Secondly the paper discuss the idea about tax planning under changes of Enterprise income tax law. Meanwhile, we also analyze some case of tax planning. Lastly we will stress the risk of the tax planning and make some suggestion about controlling the risk. Under the discussion, we hope it will provide reference value for tax planning and be beneficial to develop tax planning in China.
Key words:Tax planning analysis;Case analysis;The correct tax concept