关键词: 成本控制;设计成本;生产成本;存货
Abstract:Cost control in the development of the enterprise in the position is extremely important. Cost is a comprehensive economic indicators, it reflects the performance management. Through the forecast, decision making, plan, control, accounting to promote the enterprises to improve product quality and reduce cost. If the quality and performance of products of similar, finally decided to market competitiveness of products and the most important is the price. Influence prices high and low factors, is the cost of the problem. Therefore, only lower costs, it will be possible to reduce the price of the product, occupy the market share. In the enterprise, the cost control must do the whole control, not only to control the production cost, and the need to control the cost of the product life cycle. In this paper, the enterprise to increase cost control to make further analysis, this paper discusses the cost of better control method.
Key Words: cost control; design cost; cost of production; inventory
中小企业是我国国民经济和社会发展中的一支重要力量.我国中小企业数占全国企业总数的99 8%,它们创造的最终产品和服务的价值已经占到我国国内生产总值的58 5%已威为推动经济的主力军。在激烈的竞争环境中如何构建自己的竞争优势是其能否得以长期发展的基础。而成本控制是中小企业获取竞争优势的根本途径。努力寻求降低成本途径的一种手段。近年来随着整个社会进人“微利时”。一些企业家深切地感受到在产品质量达到一定术平后,企业面临竞争的挑战就是价格竞争实质上是一种成本竞争战。因此,从战略角度研究中小企业的威本控制和管理就尤为重要。