ABSTRACT:With the continuous development of China's economy, quality of life have become increasingly demanding, when the concept of financial management also continue to be well-known. Financial management is a good use of money, the pursuit of wealth funds make the smartest application of funds generated the highest utility is the most basic role of financial management, financial management is the most important way for people to enhance the standard of living. Financial management for a spiritual wealth is relatively abundant, and ignorance of the relative lack of wealth of the students said life is a very important life skills. Learn financial management can not only add an indelible mark for university life, it is the accumulation of energy for later stepping into the social face real life, in recent years the Chinese philosophy of education and a variety of factors led to the financial ability of college students is not optimistic, the financial lack of awareness of the negative press about the financial management of college students. This is the origin of the author writing. This article questionnaire on the financial status of the students of the Honghe university, and recover data analysis the survey found that contemporary college students consumption structure is irrational, lack of financial consciousness and financial experience, and have no idea with the investment markets and instruments, proposed a number of recommendations for college students about those problems,:Students should learn to rational consumption, and financial awareness; Families should actively guide students to use financial management correctly; Schools should carry out financial education programs; Social and government departments should strive to create good financial environment for college students. Hope they can help college students finance effectively.
Keywords: College Students; Financial Management; Analysis