ABSTRACT:Through many years of construction and development, China mobile, the company has built a wide coverage, high communication quality, rich business, service level first-class company. Along with the enterprise competition, increase in consumer demand, China mobile is the service provided to customers meet people's requirements, customer satisfaction, how high is a question that needs attention. College students are a special group, Demand for mobile data services is very big, For China mobile company is a large customer base, College students of China mobile company satisfaction research is necessary.
This article adopts the method of probability sampling in simple random sampling, In the Honghe University students questionnaire, Get satisfaction, college students of China mobile company, On the data obtained the student to the China mobile to provide business and service all aspects of satisfaction, The student to the network and service quality satisfaction is higher, Pay the call of clarity, ease owe downtime notify satisfaction is highest, In the promotion of the evaluation generally accounted for most of the business hall, Evaluation is relatively low in cost, China mobile, the company needs to further perfect. Sorting can draw on advice from the students, the students hope to charge, the phone information detail can be more clear, open feeling pro packages, service attitude has improved and so on. Finally concluded that college students overall satisfaction of China mobile company, According to the results of the survey and previous research results on the China mobile company to put forward feasible suggestions, For instance reduce roaming fees, improve cost query system, increase the discount package, training service personnel, etc.
Keywords: CMCC; College Students; Satisfaction; Recommendations