Abstract:With the increasingly rapid development of computer technology and its wide application, the technology has in-depth penetration of all areas of economic management, including accounting work, make it unique advantages in all aspects of accounting gradually displayed,computerized accounting by Small and Medium Enterprises in a number of accounting staff of all ages, and is widely used in all aspects of the accounting business. Of today's economic trade has entered a phase of globalization, Accounting has become the basic means of the current accounting staff is the most frequently used in the process of accounting work to improve the efficiency of the most useful tool is the use of computer technology instead of manual bookkeeping way.Stage of China's rapid economic development, the importance of Small and Medium Enterprises in the various fields in China will become more prominent, highly potential economic development prospects is to promote sustained economic growth, social stability of the propellant. In this paper, to fully understand the status of the Small and Medium Enterprisesin the current situation of computerized accounting, objective analysis and pointed out the problems faced by the computerized accounting, and targeted solutions to this problem.
Key words:Small and Medium Enterprises, Accounting, status, problems, decision-making
我国会计电算化从无到有,从简单到复杂,从缓慢发展到迅速普及,取得了很大的发展,但也应该看到存在的问题,这些问题严重阻碍了我国会计电算化事业的发展。所以,我们要对这些问题进行研究与探讨,不懈努力,采取各种方法、政策解决这些问题,以促进我国会计电算化事业的发展,并使之日益成熟完善。随着社会经济的不断发展,市场经济的进一步改革,经济全球化趋势的进一步加剧,会计已经成为经济活动中重要的一部分。在当今经济全球化,企业信息管理一体化,国际会计准则趋同化的浪潮下,我们要不断完善现有体系的会计电算化,加强与现代管理信息系统的交融,向会计信息管理现代化迈进,让我们这些所有会计电算化工作的参与者以现代会计电算化为新的起点,为实现会计信息管理现代化而努力,共同见证我国会计电算化美好的明天。 21世纪,将是一个以信息技术为中心的崭新的会计电算化时代。