Abstract:With the establishment of modern enterprise system and the acceleration in the process of the global economic integration, enterprise management autonomy expands unceasingly, and the enterprise internal auditing begins to attract close attention. From the corporate perspective, internal auditing is an independent, objective activity of supervising and enterprising the business activities and internal control, the purpose of which is to add value to and improve the operation efficiency of the organization. Now, strengthening and perfecting its internal auditing system have become the crucial factors of establishing modern business system.
As a result, by allowing the internal auditing integrated into the corporate governance, strengthening the internal auditing awareness of enterprise, strengthening the independence of the internal auditing, with the establishment of modern enterprise system suited to the internal auditing model, and improving enterprise effectiveness and efficiency of internal controls. This will be a new development trend for internal auditing.
This text will enunciate a clear requirement about internal auditing under modern enterprise system, inquiring into our country the development present condition of the internal auditing, try to analyze relative factors that influence the internal auditing and puts forward some suggestions for strengthening and improving internal auditing.
Key words:Modern enterprise system;internal auditing;present condition;improving