Abstract:Government performance audit has become the main content of audit of audit institutions, and along with the reform and economic development, government and social all circles are paying more attention to the government performance audit, and actively carry out performance audit, the performance audit of the component and increase year by year. Indeed, the government performance auditing in China started late on, is concerned with the theoretical knowledge but also scattered system, development arrives today, government performance audit in our country still development rate is slow, and there are various defects. Both external conditions are not sufficient cause, but also the internal condition does not have the reason, and our government performance audit exists on understanding the reason of deviation. This paper explains the government performance audit development of reason and its characteristic, the key analysed our country government performance audit development slow factors, is discussed in detail to advance our country government performance audit development countermeasure. The paper points out that the government performance audit development, should not only rely on external environment, but also improve the internal mechanism, development strategy.
Key Words:Government performance audit development;produce, problems;development countermeasures