关键词:融资; 现状;原因;对策
Abstract:In the market economic system, corporation’s finance structure is a key to the corporation’s finance. The cost of financing is one of the most important factors that affect financing options which provide a strong basis for analysis of the cost of financing for the corporate financing decisions.
Existing financial system and legal environment is not complete due to some corporate credit and credit guarantee system, the lack of multi-level capital market system, coupled with corporate business development is not clear, the financial system is not standardized, risk-resisting ability is poor financing needs "urgent, frequent, small, high features, resulting in a variety of difficult to get the support of external financing in the development process.
Therefore, the paper will be based on comprehensive analysis of various types of development status and alternative means of financing the further analysis of selected factors affecting the financing costs of financing, and were analyzed by comparing different types of business financing options, which has targeted solutions to all types of enterprises in China the problem of financing the measures, in order to ease the financing obstacles of Chinese enterprises.
Key words: financing;current situation ;reason;solution