关键词: 财务杠杆;举债经营;企业融资
Abstract:Financial leverage is the use of liabilities of enterprises to adjust the interests of capital gains method. In the modern market economy condition, most Chinese enterprises have adopted debt management mode, in order to have enough money to ensure the survival and development of enterprises, enterprises to the investors through raising capital, or through the financial markets, or in any other way into part of the funds, to make up for the shortage of capital, use financial lever principle, so that enterprises in does not change the production methods, marketing conditions, under the premise of improving the profitability of funds, so that enterprises increasingly strong.
Financial leverage is a "double-edged sword", which can bring positive effects, also can bring negative effect. This article from the financial leverage meaning sets out, analyzed the influence of financial leverage factor, combined with the financial lever and its effect, for the Chinese enterprises in the financial leverage applied aspects carries on the thorough discussion, puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions.
Key Words: Financial leverage; Operating leverage;Enterprise financing