摘要:本文通过对固定资产和固定资产减值的内涵的了解,针对现在的应用情况,分析固定资产减值会计存在的问题,如:固定资产公允价值难以确定, 固定资产未来现金流量现值计量难度大, 固定资产减值计提过程存在较大随意性, 固定资产减值准备信息披露无法满足信息使用者的要求并对其问题进行分析与评价,进而提出解决了提高会计人员的综合素质、健全公司治理结构完善会计监督体系、进一步完善市场机制措施问题.
Abstract:This article through to the fixed assets and fixed assets depreciation connotation understanding, in view of the present application situation, analysis of fixed assets depreciation accounting problems, such as: fixed assets fixed assets fair value is difficult to determine, the present value of future cash flow measurement difficulty big, fixed assets impairment provision process there are large arbitrariness, impairment of fixed assets information disclosed is unable to meet the requirements of information users and the question to carry on the analysis and evaluation, and puts forward the solution to improve the overall quality of accounting personnel, improve the corporate governance structure to improve the accounting system of supervision, to further improve the market mechanism and measures the method of the problem, elaborated the fixed asset impairment accounting in enterprise application.
Keywords: fixed assets;fixed assets depreciation;Recyclable value