ABSTRACT:Reform and opening up has provided a broad space for the development of private enterprises in our country. With the support of national policy and private enterprises' own efforts, the competitiveness of private enterprises became more and more significant. Private enterprises has become an important part of national economy and made enormous contribution for the sustained, rapid and healthy development of national economy. Our country's reform and opening up, however, is not only an opportunity, but also unprecedented challenges. Our society is undergoing a very profound and great change, which has prompted greater risks and challenges to our private enterprises’ survival. Our private enterprises are faced with the internal risks such as financial risk, strategic risk, and so on. Financial risk is mainly embodied in the financing risk, investment risk and operational risk. And strategic risk mainly includes risk of decision makers, organization risk and risk of specific strategic issues. They are also influenced by the risks from external environment in such aspects like politics, economy and culture environment. For the sustainable and healthy development of private enterprises, identifying and managing risks is imperative. For financial risk and strategic risk, private enterprises should respond actively through strengthenning management. For external environment risk, our government departments must improve management.They should support private enterprises and help them develop by creating fair external environment.
Keywords: Private Enterprise; Risk; Risk Management