ABSTRACT:Senior corporate managers to properly grasp the business operating conditions, you must first check some of the financial ratios and learn how to use ratio analysis to judge the health of the company. Financial ratios can be the company's current and past financial ratios, the ratio of the future compared to see the company's financial position and profit or loss level; Company and related companies will also conduct financial year compared with the industry average rate or comparison to the financial position of the enterprise for perspective. In fact, financial ratios covering the content is very rich, as long as there is enough business to its attention and analysis coupled with the ability to use, it can help companies find the root cause of the problem, so much easier to find a solution to the problem; through a variety of transverse longitudinal contrast ratio, you can eliminate inefficient, learn efficient means and methods of operation, operation of the enterprise itself, institutional, and even strategic reforms affect the present and future development; Furthermore, the ratio of the enterprises themselves before and after comparison, a clear trend of a particular project, estimated possible problems and issues the probability of occurrence for each case raised the question of measures to safeguard the healthy and orderly and stable development of enterprises.
Keywords: Financial ratios; financial risk; internal control