关键词:股权激励; 激励效果; 经营业绩 ; 上市公司
Abstract:Equity incentives,as an long-term incentive mechanism to solve the problem of enterprise principal-agent, appears after the separation of ownership and managerial responsibility. Good equity incentive mechanism can realize the value of human resource, reduce the cost of entrustment of an agent, improves the governance structure of the listed companies. In short, it can fully arise the enthusiasm of the operators and combine the interest of shareholders, the company and operator individual. Finally, equity incentives will reduce short-term behavior of managers, improve management efficiency and leads to the enhancement of company performance .We use the data from the company which implement the equity incentive in 2008 or 2009, then we compare the performance in two years, one is before the implementation, the other is after the implementation. After that, we know how the equity influences the company performance and what factor influence the company performance. According to the empirical analysis and theoretical analysis, we know that companies which have high growth , big competition, low ownership concentration and high risk have good performance after the equity incentive. So ,companies should enhance their competition of their products, standardize the chosen market of the senior executives, choose the right plan of equity incentives which suit them to enhance their performance.
Keywords: Equity incentive;Implementing effect;Management performance ; Listed companies