关键词:房地产企业 纳税筹划 措施
ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of China's real estate industry,it has been a pillar industry of China's economic development.And it is an important source of revenueof centraland local government.Today's real estatemarket is incontrol sensitive period,the competition is fierce,the related taxandregulatory policyis not clear.Real estate businesstax planninginvolve a wide range of.At the same time.And Nationalregulationof real estate enterprises,the real estateenterprisetax planningis becoming more and more complex.Research on tax planningfor real estate,the first part of this paper is a brief description of tax planning,expatiating and studying the meanings,characteristics and the main ways of tax planning.Secondly it expatiates the main tax kinds of the real estate company and studies the thoughts and techniques of them. And it proved the plan with real examples.Last, proposes some advice to improve the tax planning in the real estate developing enterprise.
Key words: Real estate development enterprises;tax planning;measure