关键词:联网审计 审计信息化 实时审计
Abstract:Network audit is a modern technology and method with informatization, especially with the audit informatization.Comparing with the conventional audit method,it has a more real-time characteristic,a broader audit area and a higher audit quality and efficiency.While all over the country have started building network audit system,current security system remains imperfect,asymmetric development and other issues.At the same time,there are still many problems worthy to research and discussion on construction,application and management etc.
This article describes the construction of network audit’s background , and other issues related to,and use the case in Qingdao, Shandong to introduce the huge success achieved in practical applications.This article mainly consists of seven parts:The first part describes the background of network audit construction at home and abroad,as well as demonstrate the feasibility of implementing network audits.The second part describes the necessity of network audit,and discusses the network audit is the only way for audit developing.The third part describes the relative theoretical bases of network audit.The fourth part discusses some problems in constructing the network audit.The fifth part proposes some countermeasures on the problems mentioned above.The sixth part discusses an actual case to prove the network audit achievements.The seventh part summarizes and according to China's actual situation carries out prospects.
Key words:Network audit audit informatization real-time audit