关键字:会计准则 物流业 国际化趋同
Abstract: Globalization witnesses not only the strengthening of economic ties among countries in the whole world, but also the closeness of the relationship among each other in the process of global economic development. In the days of economic increasing convergence, a set of perfect laws and regulations is required for the restriction to various countries and regions, in order to form a unified criterion so as to promote mutual cooperation and orderly development. Thus the unified accounting standards represent the general trend. As for international convergence of accounting standards, studies from different sides and perspectives are needed. The modern scholars always focus on the globalization of accounting standards. This article doesn’t remain on the specific issue of the international convergence of accounting standards, but uses the current development situation of the whole logistics industry as entry points to discuss how to realize the connection of accounting standards and the whole world in the days of globalization based on the promotion of the logistics industry’s rapid development in China, in order to further improve the financial management of the logistics industry as well as achieving a reasonable and orderly development of the logistics industry in China.
Key words: Accounting standards Logistics industry International convergence