关键词:会计师事务所 审计风险 风险控制
Abstract: certified public accountants audit is a important part of market economy, but, it is also a important method to maintain economic order. Nearly 20 years, Chinese market economic has great changed, economic mode is more complex. At the same time, people demand taller and taller to financial requirement. The social public higher hope for certified public accountants and the more audit technical difficulties increase audit risk.
With the American Enron Corp financial scandal, people and certified public accountants have realized the importance of prevention of audit risks. And take many measures through by theory and practice. However,China’s certified public accountants start late, audit risk control method have some problem. Moreover, Chinese market economy is special, it is a problem whether or not the foreign audit risk control method fit us. So China’s certified public accountants have a long way to go. In this paper, I use comparative method and example method to analysis audit risk control method. Point out shortcomings and get suggestion
Key words: audit risk control certified public accountants risk control