关键词:家族企业 财务治理 财权配置 人力资本
Abstract : The family business has become the main component of private economy of China and play a significant role in promoting Chinese economy. After developing and growing, some of Chinese family business come to decline. some failures of the family business were often arised in financial crisis. The financial governance is a series of institutional arrangements and mechanism design about allocation of financial power. The highly concentrated property in Chinese family business cause financial governance structure commenced around family ties. So how to distribute the finance governance power properly is the focus of this study.The paper is based on the corporate financial governance theory, draw lessons from domestic and international financial governance theory, research from the family business financial governance main body and object, and analyse the financial governance problems of Chinese family enterprise. To solve these problems, this paper through the case analysis of Japanese family firm(Mitsui zaibatsu) and comprehensive comparison of financial governance characteristics between Chinese and Japanese family business.
Key words: family business financial governance financial right allocation human capital