关键词:上市公司 公司治理 财务治理 治理效率
Abstract: with the rapid development of the economy and market conditionscontinue to improve, more and more enterprises market gradually, enterprises as to improve corporate financing ability, fully optimize the allocation of resources to the important means of your market capital, whether for business or for Chinese market plays a very important role. Financial management iskey to obtain the rapid development of the listing Corporation, financialgovernance is the core of corporate governance, financial governance as aresult of corporate finance and corporate governance combined, shoulder the important task to corporate finance and corporate governance, financial governance is a system arrangement of financial conflicts between a series of norms and coordinate the shareholders, creditors, managers in order toimprove the efficiency of corporate governance, that is, the checks and balances of each stakeholder information symmetry and interests. However,China's listing Corporation facing financial problems, these problems seriously affect China's listing Corporation's financial governance efficiency, is not conducive to the long-term development of the company and the Chineseeconomic role in promoting the development. Therefore, imminent listing Corporation financial management, analyses the causes of the article will appear on the financial management problems, and puts forward suggestions.
Keywords: Listing Corporation Corporate governance Financial Governance Governance efficiency