关键词:委托代理 股权激励 伊利集团
Abstract: As the shares of the company to produce,Bailey and Means in 1932 published " Modern Corporation and Private Property ," a book on U.S. 200 large companies were analyzed and found that a significant proportion of large companies by not holding there are equity firm controlled by senior management. With the separation of modern company,corporate shareholders and managers formed a principal - agent relationship.In order to solve the principal - agent relationship conflicts and to carry out effective supervision ,the long-term equity incentive emerged. In recent years,the equity incentive plan sought after more and more companies,which can effectively reduce the short-sighted incentive target,leaving operators to pay more attention to the long-term interests of the enterprise.This paper first describes the real significance of the research,describes the theoretical basis of incentive stock options.Then make YiLi Group equity incentive plan as the case,then through the analysis of financial data of YiLi Group in 2006 to 2012 to identify deficiencies and areas for improvement.Finally giving suggestions related to equity incentive according to the data and theory.
Keywords: Equity incentive principal-agent relationship YILI group