关键词:企业融资 税收筹划 企业价值最大化
Abstract:Tax planning is widely known in the Western world, and is widely used, but the current domestic perspective, the study of tax planning is still in its infancy. With the deepening of reform and opening up, further improve the socialist market economy, accelerate the process of global economic integration, enterprises are to survive in an increasingly competitive environment, the development, it is necessary to improve, develop and consolidate their core competencies, multi-angle, multi-channel to cut costs in order to achieve the goal of maximizing corporate value. Taxation as an important and integral part of corporate expenses, net profit has a direct impact on the enterprise, and therefore corporate tax planning activities to improve financial management and enhance market competitiveness with a more realistic economic significance. Financing activities is the starting point of corporate funds, is to determine the scale and extent of capital movement is an important part of the development of production.
Keywords: corporate financing tax planning maximize enterprise value