关键词: 税务筹划 房地产企业 企业所得税
Abstract:In twenty-first Century, especially since China entry into WTO, China’s participation in the international competition speed up the pace. The tax planning as an important part of rational financial management, whether in theory or practice is just unfolding in our country, and there is a big gap between china and developed countries. The financial management of enterprise tax planning tax planning has many problems to be solved urgently. Among them, the lack of talent, quality is low, the financial system is not perfect and so on are the focus of enterprise financial management. The goal of tax planning is to obey serve the enterprise financial management objective circumstance, making the enterprise value maximization, though not necessarily the lightest tax burden, but to enable enterprise to maximize after tax income. The problem of tax based on real estate enterprise, Yuan Fang Real Estate financial statements of tax planning is in financial management of enterprise, and find the effective method.
Key word: tax planning estate business income taxes