关键字:企业并购 财务协同效应 光明集团
Abstract: With the development of market economy and economic globalization, China's mergers and acquisitions activity continued to be active. Currently, a large number of domestic and international M & A cases showed a synergistic effect of mergers and acquisitions is the key to the success of mergers and acquisitions, particularly in the financial should be given more attention. Thus the financial commitment to research synergies with theoretical and practical significance to improve our corporate mergers and acquisitions. In this paper, the theory of financial synergy start elaborated, combined with the near-term acquisition of Weetabix bright classic case of financial data by comparing before and after its acquisition, build synergies framework to assess the financial analysis of mergers and acquisitions, and to make relevant in Some suggestions on financial integration.
Key Words: M&A Financial synergies Guangming Group