摘 要:随着全球市场经济和金融业的日益发展与规范化,金融业监管尤其是银行业监管越来越被重视和完善。2007年底美国次贷危机引起全球金融危机爆发,这一背景下促发的巴塞尔协议III,对全球各商业银行的包括一级资本充足率、杠杆率和附加资本率在内的资本要求等各项内控指标作出了新的规定、要求及约束。
ABSTRACT:With the increasing development and standardization of global market economy and the financial sector, more and more attention were paid to the financial industry regulatory especially banking regulation which are improved gradually. Since the beginning of the 21 Century,Basel II and Basel III were unveiled by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision ,especially Basel III which was born in view of the background that 2008 global financial crisis broke out after the subprime crisis in end of 2007 in America comes up with the new regulations, requirements and constraints on the internal control indicators including capital requirement such as the Tier 1 capital ratio 、leverage ratio、additional paid-in capital ratio of global commercial banks.
Internal auditing of China's banking industry was built under the traditional system. By comparison with the advanced experience of international banks,there are lots of distances between China and foreign in the research of concepts、independence、efficiency. With the development of market economy and international cooperation between countries,the level of involvement in international communication becomes more and more higher ,the complexity of the situation are increasing rapidly ,at the same time ,the pressure of competition will be more and more heavy,internal control and auditing of commercial banks requirements are going with the tide of international regulations,which remind us that it is necessary that we should reform and improve internal auditing of commercial banks.
This article starts from relevant research on internal auditing system of commercial banks at present ,and take example by superiority about internal auditing of international developed countries including America and Britain ,so as to summarize 、compare and put forward some feasible countermeasures which are suitable to our national conditions and good for. the improvement of our commercial internal auditing .
Keywords: Commercial banks; Internal audit; Basel agreement