摘 要:中小企业在我国经济发展中是最具活力的经济组织,是我国经济结构的重要组成部分,但由于其自身规模较小,资金结构不合理,经营管理不够完善等原因,获取资金的渠道狭窄,来源匮乏,很难获得有效的资金支持。融资难成为阻碍中小企业企业发展的最大瓶颈。虽然各级政府一直在努力扶持小企业发展,也出台了许多政策来改善现有状况,但融资难的问题始终存在且没有得到有效的解决。本文在分析中小企业融资现状后认为,间接市场融资虽然范围大、方式多,但对于本身很发展并不完善的中小企业而言,操作上有一定难度,风险也较大。而商业银行作为社会资金供应主体,作为中小企业融资的主要途径,不仅应在可融资途径及内部制度上推陈出新,而且更应该寻求模式的创新。这不仅是从银行单方面入手进行管理模式的改变,而是需要政府支持,企业配合。在对商业银行对中小企业现有金融模式存在问题的分析上,提出了成立中小企业借贷管理中心、组建中小企业小组等一些具体的建议,希望可以对银行业现有关于中小企业融资方面问题提供一条较好解决思路。
ABSTRACT:SME(Small and medium enterprise)is the most dynamic economic organization of China's economic development and is an important part of China's economic structure, but because of its small size, irrational capital structure , not perfect management and other reasons,which led to the source scarce and narrow channels of access to capital ,make it difficult to obtain effective financial support. financing difficulties become the biggest bottleneck to prevent SME’s development . Although all levels of government has been working to support small business development, introduced a number of policies to improve the existing situation, but there is always being the problem of financing difficulties and have not been effectively resolved. after analyzes the current situation of SME financing , although indirect market has broad financing range and diverse way, but since the development itself is not perfect , the implement has a certain degree of difficulty and high risk. While commercial banks as the main supply of social capital and the main way of SME financing, not only should has financing and internal institutional innovation, but should also seek to model innovation. This need government support, enterprise cooperation instead of only start a unilateral change the bank managed mode . After analyzing existing financial model of commercial banks problems,i proposed some specific suggestions ,such as establishment SME lending management center and format SME lending groups , hoping to provide a better solution to the problem .
Keywords: Commercial bank; SME; Criterion; Model; Innovation