关键词 会计师事务所;内部控制;对策
Abstract:As a kind of special establishment, the internal control of accounting firm is an important part of the management systems. For the accounting firm, internal control refers to adopt some management procedures and methods, based on abiding by laws and regulations, making the firms in the operation of safety. In keeping with the goals to be simple, the firms should be protect and utilize the different kind of the resources. At the same time, the different kind of materials must be conserved. Bring all kinds of verification reports to express objective and fair. How to establish a scientific and effective the system of internal control and against the risk effectively, has become very concerned about the problems of the auditing profession.
The paper discloses the deficiencies of internal control, such as the enthusiasm of accounting information and the enthusiasm of accountant. Through the collection of internal control relevant literature, using intelligent control method, combined with the Changzhou Hui Feng accounting firm internal control situation, and related to internal control information, the definition of internal control, internal control objectives, the establishment and implementation of internal control principle and the five elements of internal control analysis. According to the deficiencies of internal control, outstanding the improvement methods, such as some suggestions of creating a good internal control environment, establishing and perfecting the internal control system.
Keywords Accounting Firm Internal Controls Countermeasures