关键词 货币资金;内部控制;制度设计
Abstract:Monetary fund is the blood of enterprise to its survival and development,which runs through the whole process of enterprise’s economic activity,and it is realized its value and benefits in its flow and turnover,most cases of embezzlement, fraud and other misconduct are related to monetary fund.Therefore,strengthen the management of enterprise monetary fund,establish and perfect the internal control of monetary fund system, make full use of monetary funds ,all of those are particularly important.
The article based on the basic principle of internal control, start from internal control of monetary fund, based on the case enterprise ,JieFeng Hat industry, aiming at the existing problem , research and design the efficient ways to establish the system of monetary funds internal control.This paper introduces the research status of internal control and monetary fund ,discusses the basic theoretical of monetary funds and internal control ,then define the concept of them,points out that the characteristics of the monetary fund, emphasis on the importance of buliding the system of monetary funds internal control.what’s more,the article expounded the basic information of JieFeng Hat Industry,such as the background, environment, and system ,put forward the problems which exists in monetary funds internal control system.And finally give some suggestions to consummate monetary funds internal control system ,such as creat a good environment for monetary funds internal control,establish monetary funds internal control system,creat strict monetary funds authorized examining and approving system,and build system of separation of incompatible position,strengthen supervision of enforcement,and improve the professional quality of financial personnel,make the enterprise monetary funds internal control system is more systematic and application.
Keywords Monetary funds The internal control System design