关键词 存货管理;信息平台;内部控制;订单导向
Abstract:Inventory is a kind of important asset of a restaurant. The inventories of the restaurant are featured of limited duration and high-velocity. Improper inventory management will be harmful to the operation of a restaurant. The scientific inventory management can reduce operating costs and increase profit of the company, which help the company to enhance the economic benefits and the competitiveness.
Learning from the related theories of inventory management, comprehensively employing the literature analysis, comparative analysis and quantitative and qualitative combination, focusing on SuiNing HongYingtao Restaurant limited Company, the paper discloses the main problem of the management of inventory from the perspective of the managerial content, the internal control and the solidity of the company. According to the character of restaurant industry and the long-term strategy of the company, consequently the measures are put forward such as: to update the managerial idea of inventory management, to perfect the information platform, to improve the internal control of the company; to introduce reasonable methods of inventory management.
Keywords Inventory management Information platform Internal control Order-oriented
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景及研究意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究内容与框架结构 2
1.4研究方法 2
2存货管理相关理论阐释 3
2.1存货及存货管理的内涵 3
2.2酒店存货管理的特征 3
2.2.1酒店存货的界定 3
2.2.2酒店存货管理的特点 3
2.2.3酒店存货管理的风险 4
3睢宁红樱桃大酒店存货管理存在问题 6
3.1存货管理理念陈旧 6
3.2信息平台建设滞后 6
3.3内部控制制度不健全 7
3.3.1采购行为不科学 7
3.3.2验收机制不完善 8
3.3.3管理手段落后 8
3.3.4盘点活动流于形式 9
3.3.5发货流程不规范 9
3.4存货周转速度与酒店整体发展战略不匹配 10
4优化红樱桃酒店存货管理的措施 11
4.1更新存货管理理念 11
4.2完善信息平台建设以满足存货管理之需 11
4.3加强存货管理的内部控制 12
4.3.1制定科学的采购流程 12
4.3.2完善验收机制 14
4.3.3优化管理手段 14
4.3.4严格执行盘点制度 15
4.3.5加大对存货发出的控制 16
4.4结合餐饮行业特征灵活选择存货管理方法 16
4.4.1对酒店存货进行合理ABC分类 16
4.4.2与旅行社建立合作关系以实施“订单式”供应链管理 18
结论 19
致谢 20
参考文献 21