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  • 资料目录论文助手 > 论文(New) > 财务分析 >
  • 转换比率:金钱 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币
  • 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)
  • 更新时间:2014-04-27
  • 论文字数:13973
  • 课题出处:(qiaohao)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文




关键词 纺织企业;成本管理;目标成本管理


Abstract:In the open economy today, the competition among enterprises is particularly fierce, with raw materials and labor brought great challenges to the main factors of the traditional textile industry, advanced technology application in textile enterprises is relatively small, so cost management is one of the important factors deciding to defeat the textile industry. As the economy rebounds, the international and domestic market gradually restore prosperity, which is a development of the favorable opportunity of textile enterprises, but it is a weak link of cost management becomes more and more obvious, how to survive and develop in the market competition, how to improve enterprise cost management system, to achieve low-cost advantage, mprove the competitiveness of enterprises, has become the textile enterprise cannot evasive problem.

   This paper will present situation of textile industry are introduced, and emphasizes the importance of cost management of textile enterprises; secondly, expounds the target cost management theory and the steps and effect; again, the day of 2012 cost management plan Rui textile enterprise data, reveals the existence of cost management problems, and the actual research, put forward the best way to solve this problem, that is to carry out the goal of cost management methods; finally, to implement enterprise target cost management in detail, puts forward the future perfect and improvement suggestions, and possible problems.

Keywords   textile enterprise  cost management  target cost management

