关键词 流动资产;优化管理;宁夏佳立生物科技有限公司
Abstract: The manufacturing enterprise production and management of agricultural products has obvious seasonal, so the enterprise engaging in production of agricultural products in all production activities are carried out in a planned way, financial management is an important part of enterprise management. Liquidity management is one of the core of enterprise financial management. Current assets management directly through the enterprise engaging in production of agricultural products in production, supply, sell the whole process. Therefore, research on liquidity management in good standing is meaningful biological company.
This thesis reviewed the research of domestic and foreign scholars on the management of current assets, researched the present situation of current assets management of Ningxia better biological technology co., LTD, and analyzed the company’s problems on the management of current assets. Solutions will been put forward from two aspects to optimize liquidity management system and determine the reasonable holdings of liquid assets.
Keywords Current Assets Optimal Management Ningxia Better Biological Technology Co., LTD