关键词 中小企业;税务筹划;内外部环境
Abstract:Under the conditions of market economy, tax planning throughout the whole process of enterprise economic activities, it’s important for enterprises to make greater achievements. Tax planning is designed to achieve taxpayer value maximization and tax risk minimization fiscal. In our country, tax planning of small and medium-sized enterprise is in the beginning, so there are a lot of problems. This article starts in elements-driven and tax planning, combining with the definition of the small and medium-sized enterprise financial management characteristics and tax status quo environment, comprehensively consider the internal and external environment, tax planning aspects of medium and small-sized enterprises, and the problems of small and medium-sized enterprises, then, I will make some suggestions to improve the environment of tax collection, in hopes to help Chinese small and medium-sized enterprise in development of tax planning.
KeysL:small and medium-sized enterprise; tax planning; internal and external environment