摘要:知识经济时代的背景下,众多企业都把信息化建设提高到战略的高度,而包含现代管理思想的ERP软件系统备受青睐。然而ERP 系统实施效果却并不乐观,针对ERP 系统的低成功率问题本文将从项目管理的不同阶段,探讨如何达到ERP 项目风险控制的目的。将项目分为五个阶段后,逐个分析每个阶段中的风险,相信会对提高ERP 系统实施的成功率有所帮助。
关键词:ERP 项目管理 风险控制
Abstract:In the background of knowledge economy, a great number of entERPrises have set the information construction at a strategic height. Nevertheless, ERP software system which contains the methodology of modern management is highlighted and widely welcomed. However, the effect of this system is not quite distinctive. Aimed at the ERP’s low success ratio, this thesis is going to analyze the risk management from different levels of the project management. After dividing the project into five levels and investigating the risk in each of them, this paper will surely be helpful for improving the ERP’s success ratio.
By allocating the risk to its belonging management level and applying the corresponding measures, this thesis innovatively creates its countermeasures of high operability with full consideration.
Key words: ERP, project management, risk management