关键词 营业税;增值税;税负分析;效应分析
Abstract:Business tax and VAT as the important turnover tax taxes, always levied in parallel, do not cross the principle, that is not the same enterprise at the same time to pay sales tax and VAT. The scope of the collection of the former to the transportation, construction, finance and insurance, post and telecommunications, culture and sports and other tertiary industries, the latter sales or imports of tangible personal property, and provide repair and replacement services levied, play an important role mainly in industrial production and commodity circulation. As China's market economy, the level of internationalization continuously improve the blurring of the boundaries of enterprises to provide goods and services, not only affects the range of reasonable sales tax collection, also limits the value-added tax to play the role. Exposed the double taxation of business tax in the process in which they are levied, a relatively high tax burden is becoming increasingly prominent. Business tax to VAT pilot would state revenue, the corporate tax burden, economic restructuring and development the multifaceted impact and effect.
Keywords Business tax Value added tax Tax burden analysis Effect Analysis