关键词 税收流失;税收管理;税务稽查;税收法制化
Abstract:Tax is the main form of national fiscal revenue , it is also the focus of social problems. So to analysis of the tax loss systematically and accordingly explore countermeasures are urgent tasks of current. This paper from the BinHai county tax collection, with the loss of tax revenue is based on the definition and classification of tax losing to analysis of the cause of loss of the county tax and the impact on the county economic impact. The introduction part is that To analysis the current tax loss of Binhai County of tax revenue from what field loss. This paper studies the content and significance of local tax collection and administration. The theoretica framework of tax losses. That based on the theoretical analysis of the reason of tax losing to analysis the impact on local economic development. Take some countermeasures for tax loss. To analysis The loss of tax revenue from two angles, the perspective of the government and taxpayers. Put forward specific measures to improve the tax revenue loss phenomenon.
Keyword the loss of tax revenue tax administration auditing inspection administration