关键词 增值税;公允价值;债务重组;非货币性资产
Abstract:The new accounting standards issued by the Ministry of finance the introduction of fair value property in 2006,this change to achieve the standards with the International Financial Reporting Standards。 The fair value measurement is the amount of exchanged asset or paid debt by the well informed two parties in fair deal. But whether it is in the basic standards or specific guidelines on the value-added tax treatment were not involved.
This thesis is to study whether the fair value measurement should include value-added tax. In different criteria,The fair value should be how to deal with the problems caused by value-added tax. This problem is set to research by studying the Ruo-hong company's assets, debt and fair value in day-to-day business
Keywords Financing management Cost of capital Capital structure Financial leverage
在资产定价中,不考虑增值税的会计 信息对市场 会产生误导 作用,市场会根据增值税税制的要求重新调整这一因素, 对资产账面价值重新表述为脱手价格, 这样的会计信息不符合质量标准要求的信息,也许会影响到资源的配置,那经济后果无疑将是严重的。 现在之所以还没有引起广泛或者应有的关注, 是由于关联交易的大量存在,定价的公允性受到质疑,更多公司在会计处理单位的选择上采用的是账面价值标准, 而很少使用公允价值计量模式的结果;至于对国际会计准则的影响,更需要其他国家准则的检验。为此,我们应借鉴 SFAS157 的做法,跟踪其投入使 用后的效果,结合我国国情,尽快制定统一的公允价值计量准则和指南。