关键词: 网络会计;影响;作用;优劣势
Abstract:The new economy is based on the Internet as the main driving force and it is a continuous development. It will bring the accounting change when every time a economic environment changes or every period the progress of science and technology. As we all know, accounting cannot stand still today, the network accounting era has become an irreversible trend of development, the network will be the mainstream of accounting in the future.
This paper involves: interpretation of the network accounting produces, background, and its associated with electronic commerce; In order to construct an elementary theoretical system, I will explain the definition and the history of the development of the network accounting; Points out the advantages and disadvantages of the network accounting; Clarify the internet accounting's function and influence. For example, the influence of traditional accounting, the western development, internal control and audit etc.
Key Words:Network accounting; influence; function; Strength and Weakness