Abstract:In the age of economic globalization, China's small and medium-sized enterprise large quantities of emerging and rapid development, has become an important force of economic development, but because the domestic and foreign environment and their own conditions the limit, small and medium-sized enterprise's survival and development faces heavy pressure, most small and medium-sized enterprise in order to get out of a difficulty, to begin to work on the optimal management model of the way, in recent years, the introduction of advanced international management software in enterprise management, informatization construction become small and medium-sized enterprises to improve management efficiency effective means.
However, the current of the small and medium-sized enterprises to implement ERP's situation is not optimistic, and the relating problems of the more and have bigger risks, ERP in application effect, the success rate existing prominent problems. But even in current China enterprise implement ERP success rate is not high, under the premise of implementing ERP is still the trend of The Times. This article through to small and medium-sized enterprise implementation ERP status. existing. problems .the impact of factors. Case analysis and the key factors of
ERP implementation how to effectively implement ERP system to ensure that the development of the enterprise needs.
Key words:Small and medium-sized enterprise;ERP;the age of economic globalization
在经济全球化的时代,国内中小企业大批涌现和飞速发展,为中国的经济发展作出了巨大的贡献,但由于内外环境和自身各方面条件的限制,中型企业生存和发展面临重重压力。国内企业借助ERP技术全面提升经营管理水平和服务质量,满足客户不断增长的个性化需求,增强自身核心竞争力,成为众多企业应对未来的一致选择。但是导入ERP系统决不仅仅是一种信息技术和管理软件的应用,其实质是对企业管理模式的再造,是企业管理的又一次革命。此外,高昂的成本、庞大资金项目、实施单位复杂多变、执行难度大 ,导致国内企业ERP用户中,实施成功率不足30%,为此许多企业陷入资金深渊,无力发展。ERP(企业资源计划)集先进的管理思想与信息技术于一身,旨在提高企业的生产力从而提高经济效益,它将企业各个部门、各个方面的资源进行整合重新调配,是信息化时代企业增强综合竞争力的有力工具。ERP系统为企业决策层以及员工提供一个有效的管理平台,通过ERP系统管理平台,企业可以将管理理念、业务流程、计算机技术、企业基础数据、人力资源等整合于一体,建立整个企业的综合管理模式。