Abstract:Along with market economy of development,cost management has been in vital station in the development straegy.Since 1978,the construction industry has developed in china.Production value of the construction industry had exceeded four tril by 2006.The construction industry has been one important part in subject economy.Because the construction corporation is tightly to be bad,it is going to pot.We should pay attention to cost management of the construction projects to change the situation.Strengthening cost management is very important,which can economize society resource and ascertain comparative superiority of corporations quickly develop.So the article takes cost management of the construction projects as study object.
The article includes:Firstly,it describes the concept of consruction projects ,and analyzes the organizing structure of current consruction projects.Secondly,it analyzes the current situation,problems and gives some strategy.At the end,the case of cost management problem has been analyzed.
Key Words:consruction project ;cost management of construction project;cost management;item accounting