本文采用定量与定性相结合的方法,通过阐述作业成本法、物流、物流企业的相关理论与应用原理,结合我国物流企业的发展现状与成本构成特性,比较作业成本法与传统成本法的优缺点,分析实施作业成本法的条件,阐明物流企业应用作业成本法进行成本核算的合理性,最后通过应用作业成本法及传统成本法分别核算徐州鑫泰物流有限公司这一典型实例的物流成本,探讨作业成本法在物流企业具体的应用思路。本文认为,作业成本法不仅能提供较准确的成本信息,而且以作业成本为基础,可将成本管理深入到作业层面,能够较好的适用于现代物流企业的成本控制与经营决策, 我国物流企业应积极予以推广,但仍需明确应用时的注意点及以后的研究方向,使得作业成本法更好适用于现代物流成本体系。
Abstract:In the resent years,logistics enterprises have been growing gradually.How to improve the cost management and provide the best service for the customers with as little as possible funding has become the most important subject for all of the logistics enterprises.However,the logistics enterprises still use traditional cost accouting model,which cost and control of logistics system is mainly based on number and fail to take the specific operation process of each link in logistics system into account.So it’s hard for them to calculate the cost of logistics enterprises accurately. This is urgent requirements for us to seek new cost accounting method. Activity Based Costing can effectively compensate for the disadvantages of traditional cost accounting model, to achieve the purpose of logistics cost accounting management,has a stong value in the application.
Methods of intergration of quantitative and quanlitative analysis are adopted in this paper.It starts from introducing the related theories and theoretical application of Activity Based Costing、Logistics、Logistics enterprises,and combines this with present situation of logistics enterprises’ development and cost structure characteristics.Morever,this paper also Compares the pros and cons of Activity Based Costing and traditional cost method, analyses the applicable conditions of Activity Based Costing and clarifies the rationality for Logistics enterprises to apply Activity Based Costing in cost accouting.Finally,it uses the typical examples of XuZhou XinTai logistics co., LTD. to illustrate the specific application of Activity Based Costing in logistics enterprises by applying Activity Based Costing and traditional cost accouting model to calculate respectively. This paper argues the fact that Activity Based Costing can provide a relatively accurate cost information,and it is based on operation,which can make the cost management deep into the operation level.All these make the fact that its better for modern logistics enterprise to apply Activity Based Costing to control cost and make operating decision. logistics enterprises in China should promoted it actively.However, we still need to realize the attention of application and future research direction to make Activity Based Costing more suitable for modern logistics system.
Keywords: Activity based costing Logistics enterprises traditional cost accounting