关键词 内部控制;治理结构;控制活动;监督检查
Abstract:With the opening up and sustainable development of the world economy, financial fraud scandal existed in well-known big companies has fully exposed the firms which have serious problems in terms of internal control. Internal control has established policy and procedure which guarantees specific objectives implemented in enterprises. It has become an indispensable and important part of enterprise competition.
Learning from the related theories of internal control, basing on Dingsheng Company as the research object, comprehensively employing the following methodologies such as Literature study method, Survey method and Survey analysis method, the paper discloses current status from the five perspectives of internal control, for example, golden company internal environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication and the supervision and inspection, then finds the problems in internal control of Dingsheng. On the basis of the basic acquaintance of the company’s features and actual situation, the paper proposes some related measures which can perfect the internal control of Dingsheng Company, according to the governance structure, supervision to execution and so on, to perfect its internal control system further. Consequently, this paper raises the process design which is aimed at the actual business operations of Dingsheng Company to realize its future development strategy perfectly.
Keywords Internal Control Governance Structure Control Activities The Supervision And Inspection