关键词 公允价值;历史成本;计量属性;上市银行
Abstract:With the level of the continuous development of market economy,the old accounting standards have been unable to meet the requirements and development of the enterprises in China.In order to enterprise better adapt to the development of market economy in the world.In 2006,our country ministry of finance issued new accounting standards for enterprises system,since January 1, 2007, new accounting standards have been taken within the scope of the listed companies , of course including the listed Banks.After the release of new accounting standards ,the listed companies in our country take the lead in the attempt, it greatly influences the enterprise's financial management, information disclosure and so on.But, due to the use of the fair value of the external environment is not mature enough, and it is difficult to fair value on the confirmation,so a lot of people don't look good at the use of fair value in our country commercial bank.Under such a background,this article analyzes the application of fair value in our country commercial bank's financial impact through the bank of China as the research object.
This article mainly includes five chapters :the first chapter is the introduction part of the full text, it mainly introduces the article research background, significance, methods, ideas and framework of this article.The second chapter mainly summarizes the relevant theories involved in this paper. The third chapter analyzes the fair value of the impact of the financial statements of the listed Banks in country.The fourth chapter mainly introduces the fair value influence on banks in China.The fifth chapter in view of the previous chapter points out the defects of proposed measures.,and put forward my own suggestions according to fair value in our country.
Keywords Fair value Historical cost Measurement attributes Listed banks
第一章 绪论介绍本文研究的背景、目的、意义、研究思路与方法、论文的框架。
第二章 概括了本文所涉及的相关理论。整理了关于公允价值和历史成本的知识概念,从理论上论述了两者作用及意义,以及优缺点. 。
第四章 主要分析了中国银行使用新准则的前一年,也就是2006年对当年财务报告中关于公允价值的的调整情况,分析其对当年股东权益以及净利润的影响。分析了中国银行使用新准则的第一年,也就是2007年,使用公允价值的金融资产与净利润之间的敏感情况,以及公允价值对中国银行证券投资和对银行市场的影响。
第五章 根据上述各项的分析得到结论,并针对公允价值的在我国使用提出自己对银行业发展的建议。