Abstract:Since 1970s, with the shift of the focus of educational process from the part of the teacher to that of the learner, more and more researchers both at home and abroad show their concerns about the learners’ affective factors and personality. A large amount of previous studies have shown that affective factors have great impact on the language achievements. Among the affective factors, anxiety is one of the pervasive obstructions in second/foreign language acquisition. Since China is a nation with many English learners, discussions on English classroom anxiety have both theoretical significance and practical value.
This study investigated 65 English majors and 40 English teachers respectively in Xinxiang Medical University. By means of questionnaires, this research intends to find out the main factors causing English classroom anxiety and explore the causes leading to anxiety from both the teachers’ and the students’ aspects. Firstly, the writer designed the English Classroom Anxiety Scale based on Horwitz’s FLCAL to study the students’ anxiety factors quantitively and figure out the causes leading to English classroom anxiety. Secondly, from teachers’ point of view, this investigation intends to use the questionnaire to find out how much teachers know about the English classroom anxiety, how they deal with it so as to seek the effective methods to alleviate it.
The major findings of the present study are as follows: all the students suffer more or less English classroom anxiety. The main factors leading to English classroom anxiety are the students’ attitude toward learning English, their confidence, their personality, classroom atmosphere, classroom interaction, teachers’ evaluation on the students’ performance and tests, etc.
This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One gives a brief introduction to the thesis, including the motivation, the significance, research objectives and the organization of the thesis. Chapter Two is the literature review, presenting the definition of anxiety, foreign language anxiety, Horwitz et al’s construct of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) and factors which facilitate or debilitate anxiety. It also describes the three approaches to anxiety. And three main components of language anxiety, namely communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluations are also presented. Chapter Three is the research design. Detailed information of the present study including the research questions, subjects, instruments, data collecting procedures and the statistical software of data analysis are described. Chapter Four is data analysis and discussion of the study. The last chapter summarizes the major findings of the research. And then some implications for students and teachers about how to reduce the English classroom anxiety are presented.
Key words: affective factors, anxiety, English classroom anxiety