Abstract:Tense is a very important and unavoidable grammatical point in learning English. Without the tense knowledge, it would be unimaginable to learn English well. Correct use of tense in English writing is a basic criterion to judge the quality of English writing. However, in the teaching process, the author found tense misuse is very common in English writings made by vocational college students. Some relative researches and literatures were done in the past few years, but they mainly focused on the four-year or higher-level English majors and non-English majors. The researches taking vocational college students as subjects are relatively limited. Based on the situation mentioned above, the present thesis attempts to make an empirical study on tense errors committed by vocational college students.
Based on the theories of Error Analysis and Interlanguage, the author conducts a quantitative and qualitative study of tense errors committed by non-English majors at vocational college, taking Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College as an example, in an attempt to find out the distributions and characteristics of these errors, and thereby to seek the possible types and causes of these errors and to provide pedagogical implications.
This thesis mainly addresses the following four questions:
1) What are the distributions and characteristics of tense errors made by non-English majors at vocational college?
2) What are the possible types of these tense errors?
3) What are the potential causes of these tense errors?
4) What are the possible pedagogical implications for the future vocational college English teaching?
To answer the four research questions, two experiments are made. The first one is writing task and another is grammaticality task.
For the first one, the author conducted the following stages: firstly, the author randomly chose two classes from Grade 08 at Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College as subjects, in which the students’ number and their English level were similar as a whole. After the subjects had finished the writing task in allowed time, the author picked up 100 pieces of valid writings randomly. Then, the author encoded the 16 tenses by manual work and identified the tense errors shown up in the sample writings by hand. The data collected reveal: simple present, simple past and simple future are the most problematic tenses, which infers that the students are apt to make errors when dealing with these three tenses. The error rates in order are 51.24%, 31.34%, and 8.95%.
Grammaticality task was conducted as a complement to the first one. 32 uncompleted sentences containing 16 English tenses, were presented for the participants to make their choices to test their tense knowledge. Data collection was done by hand and 100 valid samples were chosen randomly. Data collected show that the compound tenses are prone to be used improperly. This reveals students’ ignorance of these tenses and rebeals that simple present (62.00%), simple past (50.50%) and simple future (50.00%) are still the problematic ones for the students, indicating the poor acquisition of tense knowledge.
The analyses of sample writings come to the findings that main error types in the subjects’ writings are
1) Omission
2) Additions
3) Misformation
4) Choice error in tense
With the help of the author’s colleagues, number of type errors were counted by manual work and the distributions and characteristics of tense errors were further offered. Types of tense errors were illustrated based on the errors committed by the students. For the third question, the author carried out analyses and discussions of the potential causes behinde errors in the subjects’ writings.The potential causes are
1) Interference of mother tongue
2) Overgeneralization
3) Incomplete application of rules
4) Ignorance of rues restriction
5) False concepts hypothesized
According to the findings above, some pedagogical implications for vocational-level English teaching are offered:
1) A systematic training and teaching of English tense
The teacher should attach importance to tense teaching and training, and when giving a lesson, the teacher is expected to explain the differences between some grammatical concepts and so on.
2) Developing students’ awareness of English way of thinking
The teacher creates an authentic environment, offers reading materials, and encourages students to keep writing and make oral practice on line to reach the goal.
The thesis is composed of five chapters. The opening chapter is the introduction part, generally presenting some background information about this study, and pointing out the significance of this study as well as a rough picture of this thesis. Chapter Two serves as literature review, including the related theories of the present thesis, the conceptual definitions of the key terms related with this study and the previous studies at home and abroad. Chapter Three is the research design. It describes the study undertaken in Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College, including the participants, the research materials, data collection and the research procedures. Chapter Four is the core part, involved in the analyses and discussions of the distributions and characteristics of tense errors, main error types and potential causes. The last chapter firstly sums up the main findings, then offers pedagogical implications for vocational-level English teaching and points out some limitations of the present study.
KEY WORDS: error analysis, tense errors, vocational college students, interlanguage
摘要:时态在英语学习中是非常重要且是不能绕开的一个语法点。没有时态知识,学好英语将是不可想象的。能否正确运用时态是判断学生英语写作质量高低的一个基本的依据。然而,笔者在英语教学过程中发现在英语写作中高职高专学生的时态使用错误非常普遍。过去曾有人做过相关研究和探讨,但他们主要的研究对象是本科层次或更高层次的英语专业和非专业的学生。以高职高专学生为研究对象的研究相对较少。基于以上原因, 本论文试图以高职高专学生为研究对象对他们的时态使用错误情况进行实证性研究。
(3) 规则应用不完整
(2)注重培养学生的英语思维模式:通过老师课堂创造真实语境,提供大量阅读材料, 鼓励学生多写作,开展口语交流活动等形式培养学生的英语思维模式。