论文通过项目管理和和并行工程结合的视角进行剖析论证,重点探讨均衡考虑新产品开发过程中的时间控制、成本限制和绩效要求,同时运用高效准确的管理信息系统工具(PDM, ERP)实现原有技术手段无法实现的即时反馈控制机制,并探讨其在新产品开发流程中的应用。详细分析研究新产品开发操作流程中的各项影响因素、特性、造成的结果和相互之间的影响的基础上,深入探讨新产品开发流程中的流程创新整合和各种影响因素均衡问题。最后通过实例分析说明了在新产品开发流程中应用合理的管理思想和工具是提高新产品开发的效率和成功率的有效途径。论文的主要创新点是: 深入到具体业务层面研究产品开发知识管理的过程,结合企业实证研究探讨了项目管理因素与产品开发绩效的相关性,强调了在新的市场环境和技术水平下,新产品开发管理也同样具有新的特点,即复杂性,相关性和综合性。论文的研究结果可供为新产品开发企业的知识管理研究和实践参考借鉴。
关键词 新产品开发, 项目管理, 并行工程, 管理信息系统,电子制造业
Abstract:The manufacture enterprises convince New Product Development (NPD) to the foundation of their incoming growing point and competitive advantages. Whereas, the high risk of NPD is the realities in all of companies. Based on the summary of literature, the thesis adopts the method of combining theory studying with demonstration analysis, and probe into the relationship between project management, Concurrent Engineering (CE) and Management Information System (MIS) performance.
In this thesis, a new attempt to introduce project management into NPD process which keep a balance between scheduling, costing and effect to increase efficiency and effect of NPD as classification and characteristic analysis, process innovation and the implementation method of project management, Concurrent Engineering (CE) and management information system. An example has been given to prove that implementing project management in NPD process is an effective way to increase success rate of new product.
The innovation points of the thesis are: combining the work flow to study its real requirement and project management, Concurrent Engineering (CE) and Management Information System (MIS); exploring the correlation of project management factors and performance; emphasizing some points noticed in project management practice in NPD. The result of thesis provides the basis reference of project management study and practice in NPD.
Keywords new product development (NPD), project management,Concurrent Engineering (CE),Management Information System (MIS), electron manufacture industry