Abstract:Logistics distribution under E-business environment should have characteristics of information and socialization, and can be combined with the inner process of enterprise, thus forms an integrated logistics distribution system. With the appearance of Net-Bank and the maturity of the law, limiting factors has been improved one by one. So by now we can say that distribution is the bottle neck to EC's development. Distribution is one of important parts in the logistic system, and it involves a lot of activities such as transportation, storage, machining, load and unload, address location, vehicle routing and so on. Location of distribution center's address and vehicle routing problem are still key factors in distribution field.
In the paper, the engendering and development, business flow and function of logistics distribution are analyzed, that logistics distribution is important link and assurance of realizing E-Commerce are analyzed, the problems existed in E-Commerce Logistics distribution in China is put forward by the actuality of E-Commerce Logistics distribution in China, and the above study establish the basement of later study. Logistics distribution's demand to E-Commerce, the feature of E-commerce Logistics distribution, the way of reducing cost of E-commerce Logistics distribution, actuality of the mode of E-Commerce Logistics distribution in China are analyzed, and the mode of E-commerce Logistics distribution in China is put forward. By selectively studying the theory and method of Logistics distribution and studying the principle and method of dividing the group of places, The model Logistics distribution allowing visiting repeated of multiple places is established, the model is used to solve rational distribution sequence to reach lest cost to allowing visiting repeatedly.
Keywords:E-commerce;Logistics;Distribution models;method of dividing the group of places;Visit Repeatedly