关键词 动漫产业,商业模式,立体化产业链结构
Abstract:Cartoon industry is a very important branch of creative industry. Lot of countries to develop the cartoon industry in the world. I think the business model is most important for this industry. So, I focus on this area to start my research.
First , I show the status of cartoon industry of the world. Introduce the development of the United States and Japan. Point to the experience and advantage of these two countries in this area. Then, I also introduce the status of our country. Compared with the U.S. and Japan in order to find out the problems of our cartoon industry. I design a new frame of industry chain for cartoon. It’s a three-dimensional structure including vertical and horizontal direction. Base on analysis of this industry chain, I indicate the business model of cartoon. Give a list of these models. I also get a method to design a good business model. It could be used to design a business model for a company which focus on cartoon industry. In the end, I design three business models for A company by this method: “Creative output model”, “Business website model” and “ Cartoon mercenaries website model”.
Keywords Cartoon Industry, Business Model , Three-dimensional Structure Of Cartoon Industry Chain