本文总共分为7章:第1章为绪论部分。第2章到第6章为正文部分,在这个部分中主要介绍了共青森林公园游客服务管理的研究体系应包括的内容即森林公园游客服务管理的概念、特点、目标和原则,国内外两个典型森林公园的管理模式,共青森林公园游客服务管理现状分析, 共青森林公园游客服务改进与优化策略,共青森林公园游客服务管理监测与检验体系的构建等内容。第7章对全文进行了总结,并对本文研究的不足之处及需要深入研究的地方作了说明。
关键词:共青森林公园 森林旅游 游客服务 游客服务管理 游客体验管理
Abstract:Forest tourism developed very quickly since the 1980s, so “recurrence to nature” becomes one important ways of modern people. With the forest park gradually becoming one of the key destinations for tourists, the Academics attach importance to the research of tourist service management of forest park. Tourist service management of forest park is an important form of forest park management as well as a key factor to promote its tourism service environment. But the research to this field is vulnerable, we are short of those documents that systematically research tourists service management of forest park, which won’t conform to the require of theory research today. Being special forest tourism, the appearance of city forest tourism has its advantages and disadvantages. Corroding to the sustained and coordinated development theory, how to promote the customer’s satisfied tolerance through scientific and rational planning? How to coordinate the integration and counter for the tourist and the city forest park’s administrators? And then promote the development of city forest tourism in order to make “Win-win ” situation. Prerequisite to enhance the management level of forest park, how to provide better service for tourists? With the research target of Gongqing forest park, the article inquired into the forest park service management to the above-mentioned problems, which is also the background of this article.
The article has seven chapters; the main part is from the 2nd chapter to the sixth chapter. The article discussed the conception, feature, target and principles of forest park tourist service management in this part, it also discussed the service strategy and inspection system Of Gongqing forest park. The article give a conclusion in chapter seven and point out the weakness and problems of the research.
The main Results of the article include: try to construct the theory systems of tourist service management of city forest park; include problems and strategies to the tourist service management of Gongqing forest park in some aspects. Try to create the monitoring indicators system and explore in depth to the tourist service management of Gongqing forest park.
Key words: Gongqing Forest Park, Forest Tourism, Tourist Service, Tourist Service Management, Tourist Experience Management.